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Poldark Returns

Series 3 is nearly here!

For avid Poldark fans, the wait from series 2 to series 3 has been a long time in coming. Hero Ross left our screens in disgrace and possibly left former beau, Elizabeth, with slightly more than she bargained for. Will this further fuel the anger and resentment George Warleggan feels towards him? We suspect so!

Series 3 will return at 9pm on Sunday 11th June to BBC1. The trailers look promising. New characters will be introduced to spice things up and Demelza’s brothers look set to give Ross a run for his money on the swooning stakes with one stealing the heart of new Governess Morwenna. Old friends of Ross’ suddenly appear with beautiful daughters and it sounds as though the distinct brand of venom running through the first two series may spew forth from a wayward clergyman.

Aidan Turner as Poldark

Feisty Demelza will be back on form but with the novel spanning the French Revolution, will she have her husband by her side or will Ross return to his Captain status and lead the fighting in France? He surely can’t be gone for too long as there’s also much needed family feuding to be sorted, naturally watched over by Aunt Agatha.

Happily series 4 has already been commissioned and filming is rumoured to be starting this September. You can be sure we’ll be keeping an eye on the cliffs and beaches just in case!

Read more about Poldark and where it’s filmed.

Poldark crew at Porthgwarra

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